Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What to do?

I know what I'm supposed to do, but I just have a hard time to get started on doing that it is always lots of other fun thins to do, planing on what cupboard to by to the dining room/ kitchen the kitchen in our house is small so we need to have some of the plates and stuff in the dining room so now we are going to buy new cupboard for that, and that is lots more fun to look at then doing my school work. Even doing laundry is more fun i don't really understand but that is life guess...

Next week I'll go to the library to do the school work, then I can't do all the other things... I think that is a good plan for me...

I just had two friends here for lunch we had lasagna it was really good, first time i made that kind whit Zucchini instead of pasta really good.

I need to get the other computer working so i can show you some pictures of the house and all other things that has happened around here...

Okay i guess i should get some school work done before something else is distracting me.

I'll try to write again soon....

Love T

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